What Mac Os X Tool Is Used To Search For Files, Directories, Or Contacts?
Posted By admin On 01.01.19Jan 30, 2014 How to Search System Files in Mac OS X. Or you may have excluded the directories or files from Spotlights indexing abilities. This website and third-party tools use cookies for functional, analytical, and advertising purposes. By continuing to browse the site, closing this banner, scrolling this webpage, or clicking a link. Mac OS X v10.4 and later also include command line utilities for querying or manipulating Spotlight. The mdimport command, as well as being used by the system itself to index information, can also be used by the user to import certain files that would otherwise be ignored or force files to be reimported.
I like to keep the home directories on my work (PC) and home (Mac) machines more-or-less in sync using a hard drive that I tote back and forth every few weeks. In addition to rsync, one useful tool is the unix diff command. As mentioned in, diff can not only compare two files, it can, by using the -r option, walk entire directory trees, recursively checking differences between subdirectories and files that occur at comparable points in each tree. The trick is to use the -q option to suppress line-by-line comparisons in files that differ: diff -rq dirA dirB This command will provide a nice list of files that occur in dirA but not in dirB, files that occur in dirB, but not in dirA, and files that differ between dirA and dirB. Pipe the output through grep to remove mention of uninteresting files, and sort to tidy it up, e.g.: diff -qr dirA dirB grep -v -e 'DS_Store' -e 'Thumbs' sort > Free mp3 converter download for mac. diffs.txt This list gives me a good feel for the big picture before I start overwriting things: which files or subdirectories can be deleted, which can be synced (and in which direction) using rsync, and which should be carefully checked before replacing, in case changes need to be merged.
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To forestall some obvious comments, would seem to be the ideal tool, but it lists hundreds of files that only differ in their permissions metadata (not important to me). Although Unison appears to have an option to turn off permission checking ( -perms 0, or -perms=0), I couldn't get it to work. There are, of course, a number of GUI apps that would do the job, too (e.g., ), many of them shareware. I too am trying to keep a desktop and a laptop in sync - both running OSX. Of course the laptop has much less hd space which means I need to be selective. I have been using Unison very successfully so far for documents in general and for certain application preferences.